My Day!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

BISA Final Exam..

I finish my bisa test in juz an hour!!
i used up my time n mental energy..
to memorize every definition of the whole 6 chap of bisa syllabus..
n it proven in the exam hall tat my stupid action to memorize exactly the meaning is useful!!
it is very indeed quite smooth for me to ans all those question!!
when i finish my last sentences for the last ans..
i looked at the clock..
n i was so shocked to c it's oni 3pm!!
Holy shyte!!
i nv thought i would finished up the paper in juz an hour..
given tat the paper is for 2 hours..
i used oni 1 hour!!
vincent chow which sits behind me kick my leg..
to indicate tat he oredi finish the paper..
n ask me to hand up the paper together with him.. =.=''
quite a number of ppl hu finish early n left the exam hall..
i hand up the paper at 3.20pm..
n when i stand up, prepared to leave the hall..
OMG!! i saw fong chin!!!!!
according to someone(forget hu say d)..
those ppl hu leave the hall early.
either is too easy for them to ans, ntg to do d then leave the hall..
or the exam is too hard for them to ans, so they end their suffering by leaving the exam hall..
funny conclusion..
now oni left FOA for me..
no prob gua..

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