This few days..
Lots of thing happen so fast!!
But very lazee to list out all here..
takkan i berak kencing oso need write down rite.. x
Done thing i was soooo appreciate..
despite the hardness of getting a oo nite ticket..
he which is our class rep..
manage to 'make' one ticket for me.. ^^
v had our badminton koko starting yest..
continuously 8 weeks..
v need to attend the so call 'class' which is soooo sutable for those hu do not reali noe how to play badminton..
or shud v say in another way..
this class is for those hu dunno wat is badminton..
as for me..
i'm oredi pro..
but not as pro as my sifu biiang..
so this class is a kindergarten class for us..
beside tat..
the trainer sooooo young..
looked lik those hu wil eat tafu wan lo..
be careful girls!!
n my first step into fren's hostel too..
occured yest!!
the place..
according to our new mdjb-kygt-always-so-sudden-action-or-words aka kk aka kit kat..
the place looks lik those "apartment" in chow kit.
seems lik he is so experience bout it.. xD
so do i had my student dialogue(some sort lik meeting) among the committee of the diploma course..
in this meeting..
can complain bout anything..
this juniors of ours hu come from may intake 2008..
complain bout lecturer this no good la tat no good la..
a bit oso wan complain..
summor complain tat the lecturer n the student's channel not same wor!!
i reali kena zha dou bout this..
lecturer's voice sound so girlish or soft oso wan complain..
not lik us..
jan intake ppl sit there silently for the whole meeting..
no complaints to complain bout..
so dicipline rite!! xD
beside tat oso hav my student welfare interview..
looks so scary de..
think i screw up the interview gua..
was praising myself in front of all the "judge" but when he ask me something..
i dunno how to ans.. =.=''
n i get booked by some event in 3 consequtive weekends.
oo nite la, tt nite la, sjam dinner la..
gonna hav fun wif it.. xD
ps. coming friday gonna find something for them to do liao.. haih.. >.<
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