My Day!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Coincidently Lucky..

i was waking damn early today..
yest slept at 11pm..
yet i not enuf sleep today..

after having breakfast wif mum..
i RUSHED to bus station..
as usual, i saw carssss movedddd damnnnnn slowwwww...
i wonder when the traffic wil b better?
since i standard 1 it's been lik tat..

my plan of the day was taking any bus to Kota Raya and walked to raja chulan..
no.62 bus reached and i boarded..
i planned to sleep de..
cauz kota raya is the last station ma..
cauz sleep til the bus stopped at final destination..

but throughtout the station on the way..
i heard tat the conductor of bus said this bus go raja chulan..
as i'm not confirmed, and i'm lazy..
i din ask..
sit there diam diam n busy looking around..
see whether i recognise any familiar building near raja chulan..

it passed by raja chulan and i went down the bus..
tat means?
i no nid to walk tat 15 mins distance from kota raya to raja chulan..
coincidently lucky..

my work start at 9..
i looked at the time..
went to nearby starbuck read newspaper..
halfway thru i'm sleepy..
n i slept..

til the time for me to work..
i went to the building myself..
even v the interns oso earlier than senior lo..

first 1 hour..
v did ntg..
he said ntg for us to do..
so i read novel..
finished last chap over there..

then as usual..
vouching stuff coming in n out..
one simple task can drive us crazy..
especially today i nid to do a list of staff's claim..
in the end, i did a very long list out..
and there took me lik 2 hours?

lunch at a duno-wat-place..
and there burned another red note n green note..
i wanna cry liao le..

one things to b considered..
the things v learned in fap reali useful de lo..
they actuali applied the things v learned into practical..
eg: they duno whether to put provisions for something..
the boss(winnie) analyse to senior..
while analyzing, she asked us(test us gua.. @.@)
provision recognition: probable future outflow, cost measured reliably & present obligation..
same to asset recognition..
don underestimate ACCOUNTS!!!

today OT again..
OT increased from 0.5 hrs to 1.5 hrs..
bek home oso 9pm le..
i'm oredi shout 'jiu ming' le..
everyday bek home realli tired..
all because of tat big laptop PwC gave us..
make us so san fu bring tat along.

bek home oso coincidently lucky..
thought of taking any bus to kota raya and take lrt bek..
in the end, the bus i took can straight send me to midah..
coincidently lucky again..
no nid me xin xin ku ku chg train n bus here n there..

so basically this is my story on 7th day after the incident..
everything's stil well i guess..
tml i wil stop going raja chulan..
instead, start working at astro..
let's c how's things gonna work tml..

ps. one thing never chg.. i stil miss u tat much..

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